Weddings are usually associated with traditions and symbols. Old sayings weddings are nedd to be concidered as something OLD,Something New,Something BORROWED and something BLUE.
something OLD links to the bride's family and past,usaully most of the bride choose to wear a piece of JEWERLY or sometimes thier grandmother's wedding Dress.
something NEW-Represents good fortune and success in the bride's new life. The wedding dress is often chosen as the new item.
something Borrowed-bride usually borrowed object from relative or friends like hankerchief or Jewellery this is to remind to a bride that family and friends are there in need of help.
Something Blue- It Symbolises faithfulness and loyalty and dates back to biblical times when blue represented purity. Frequently the bride's garter is the blue item.
Wedding Veil-The wedding veil hides the bride's beauty and wards off evil spirits. Another explanation is that during the times of arranged marriages the bride's face would be covered until the groom had commited to the marriage.
Where to stand-The bride stands on the left of the groom during the marriage ceremony to allow his sword arm to be free ready to fight off other men who may want her as their bride.
Confetti-Confetti has replaced rice or grain in modern times, the rice was thrown at the bride and groom to encourage fertility.
Wedding bouquet-The throwing of the wedding bouquet was introduced from America and it is said that who ever catches the bouquet will be next to be married.
Wearing pearls-To some, pearls represent future tears and are a bad sign. However, to others, the wearing of pearls takes the place of the bride's real tears, thus she'll have a happy, tear-free wedded life.
Dropping the wedding ring-This is a contradictory wedding myth. The positive myth is that dropping the wedding ring during the ceremony shakes out the evil spirits. The negative aspect, is that whoever drops the ring is said to be the first to die.
Time of day to get married-The couple should exchange vows as the clock's minute hand is "ascending towards heaven"
Seeing the bride-It is good luck for the groom not to see the dress before the wedding day. It will bring more luck if he does not glance at the dress as the bride walks down the aisle.
Wedding gifts-Wedding gifts are bought by the guests have replaced the custom of bringing fruits that used to encourage fertility.
The threshold-Carrying the bride over the threshold protects her from any evil spirits that may be lurking in the new home.