If you are planning to make money online through your blog, one of the great ways is to register and add your blog to bloggerwave. It gives us opportunity to earn online by writing a post about a product or services. If your blog has been approved, then you are ready to check for opportunities and all you have to do is to submit a post about those opportunities. They’ll pay you through paypal which is also a great thing to know.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Posted by
4:48 AM
Labels: Buzz
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
JFK Assassination Documents
Posted by
10:11 PM
Labels: News
Online Casino
32Vegas.com offers online casino gaming that will make you feel that you are playing in a Vegas casino. The site’s design has a Vegas casino theme and they offer lots of games that you’ll enjoy. Aside from the casino gambling they also provide bonuses that you can also take advantage.
Posted by
10:08 PM
Labels: Online casino
Online Billiard
Posted by
9:30 PM
Labels: Online billiards
Online Backgammon
Gammon-Fortune.com is a good site for all of you who play backgammon games. The site is quite good for it has good design plus it’s easy to find the information you need so you won’t have a hard time looking for information. They of course offer online backgammon games that players can enjoy. Plus, the site offers backgammon tournaments for backgammon players.
Posted by
12:12 AM
Labels: Backgammon
Monday, February 18, 2008
X-Men Origins: Wolverine Movie Will Hit the Theaters in 2009
Posted by
11:55 PM
Most of the people like to play online pokers and I guess it’s really entertaining. I found this site called magicholdem.com and they are offering a great product for those who play online poker it’s actually a poker calculator. The site is quite neat because it’s easy to navigate plus the design is really good because everything is organized. They also offer online poker tips and aside from that they have the Texas Holdem Strategy that definitely a big help for you on playing poker. Texas Holdem calculator is a tool that they offer that will assist you on playing poker for it calculates the data and display on the real time odds that will be a big help for you. Plus you can also find the Texas Holdem tips from their site that will guide you on how to use the tool effectively.
Posted by
11:35 PM
Labels: magicholdem.com
Online Slot Games
One of the oldest slot sites on the net id Sloterix.com. Sloterix.com offers a great variety of slot game sites that you will enjoy such as EuroGrand Slots, 32Vega Slots, and Prestige Slots. These online slots provide a lot of slot machines that you can play slot online and they also offer great bonuses. Sloterix.com’s site is easy to navigate because all the information is already in front of you so that you won’t have any hard time looking for information. At the site’s home page you’ll find the slot sites that offer great deals and slot games. Plus, they have the list of top casinos that you can also check out.
Posted by
11:30 PM
Labels: Online Slots
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Dwight Howard and his Superman Slam Dunk
Posted by
9:27 PM
Discounted Auto Parts and Accessories
Posted by
9:23 PM
Posted by
7:08 PM
Labels: Online Casinos
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince (2008)
Posted by
5:54 PM
Friday, February 15, 2008
LifeLock Promotional Code
LifeLock is known to be the leading identity theft prevention service. And now, LifeLock offers a LifeLock promo code that you can use. With this code you can get great deals that will applies to your application. You just have to use the Life lock promotional code and you will receive discounts that are available for new customers. Life Lock promo code offers 30 Days free and you will also get exclusive discounts. Having full 30 days for free is already a great deal that you will definitely enjoy. Those deals are really great aside from the fact that LifeLock will guarantee your identity up to $1,000,000. And if they give out LifeLock is known to be the leading identity theft prevention service. And now, LifeLock offers a Life Lock Promotion Code that you can use. With this code you can get great deals that will applies to your application. You just have to use the Life lock promotional code and you will receive discounts that are available for new customers. Life lock promotional code offers 30 Days free and you will also get exclusive discounts. Having full 30 days for free is already a great deal that you will definitely enjoy. Those deals are really great aside from the fact that LifeLock will guarantee your identity up to $1,000,000. And if they give out a special offer they will also include the everything. This means that WalletLock is also included. With WalletLock if your wallet is stolen, they will replace all the documents in your wallet. It is really important to have those documents secured because losing those documents will definitely give us a headache. Another good thing about their service is they will take your name off on the telemarkerter's list which can help you prevent those telemarketers and even receiving junk mail. Lifelock will help you check your credit report for they will request for your credit report and have it sent to you. Our biggest fear is if something happens with our credit records. With this issue, Lifelock will put fraud alerts on your credit records and they will contact you if someone is trying to apply for a credit. So, get your Life lock promotional code and start to take advantage of this great deals.
Posted by
5:18 AM
Labels: LifeLock
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Zenni Optical Eyeglasses
Zenni Optical $8 Rx Glasses

Posted by
7:08 PM
Labels: Zenni Optical
American Idol Season 7's Top 24 Contestants

- Alaina Whitaker
- Alexandrea Lushington
- Amanda Overmyer
- Amy Jean Davis
- Asia'h Epperson
- Brooke White
- Carly Smithson
- Chikezie Eze
- David Hernandez
- Garrett Haley
- Jason Castro
- Jason Yeager
- Joanne Borgella
- Kady Malloy
- Kristy Lee Cook
- Luke Menard
- Michael Johns
- Ramiele Malubay
- Robbie Carrico
- Syesha Mercado
Posted by
12:46 PM
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Just Like Heaven
Posted by
7:57 PM
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Medical Career Training
Posted by
8:44 PM
Labels: Medical
Hanazakari No Kimitachi E
Of all JDoramas, I like Hanazakari no Kimitachi E so much. I like Mizuki and Nakatsu so much. It’s all about a girl who decided to attend an all boy school by disguising her self as a guy. She decided to do such thing because she wants to make Sano (a student in that school) to jump once again. Sano was a great athlete, and he had an accident because he helped Mizuki to escape from bad guys in US. While helping Mizuki escape, he was harmed by them and caused him to loose his confidence on high jump. While at school, she met Nakatsu who is a very athletic person who loves soccer so much and they became friends. Nakatsu eventually fell in love with Mizuki and at first he can’t accept the fact that he is falling for her, because he knows that Mizuki is a guy and of course it’s not good. But he managed to accept the fact that he really likes him and he even fought for his feelings for Mizuki with Sano. In the end, Mizuki finally made Sano jump and she also realized that it’s not just a feeling to help Sano jump why she decided to go to Japan and study but, she also loves Sano. The series was aired last year in Japan and it also won an award as for Best Drama on the 54th Television Drama Academy Award. The Best Drama award is not the only award that they’ve won, Ikuta Toma who played the role of Nakatsu on this series won the Best Supporting Actor Award and the Best Actress Award was won by Maki Horikita who played the role of Mizuki. Hanazakari no Kimitachi E is based on a manga written by Hisaya Nakajo.
Posted by
8:15 PM
Labels: jdorama
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Online Casino
I checked for some online casinos and I found something interesting in joyland casino. The site is really good because it’s not boring and you will definitely feel that you’ll want to play. Casino Joyland offers special bonuses that you’ll enjoy. They also have lots of games that you can play online like video Pocker, BlackJack, Progressive Slot Jackpots, Video Slots, Arcade Games and many more. The site is easy to navigate so you’ll definitely enjoy your browsing and you’ll get to take advantage of all their great offers while playing an online game.
Posted by
12:19 AM
Labels: games
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Plot – from Wikipedia
Cris Johnson (Nicolas Cage) is in a Las Vegas diner. He looks at the clock above the counter. He checks his own watch, and then glances out the door. He is looking for someone, but that person doesn't show. He appears to be haunted by visions of a young woman, probably connected to the diner. Cris is a clairvoyant living under an assumed name, Frank Cadillac, in Las Vegas. He has a minor magic show at one of the hotels, but he makes his living at "low stakes" gambling against the casinos. He manages to stay beneath the radar, never revealing his gift—the ability to see two minutes into his own future.
During one of his magic shows (involving a small role with Cage's real-life wife, Kim), two FBI agents observe him, although he doesn’t realize that’s who they are or that they are even after him. After the magic show, when he goes to a casino to gamble, he is observed by the casino’s security. They have watched him for a while and tonight they are convinced he must be cheating in some way. Cris, however, knows they are coming. He goes to cash his chips and get out of the casino. That is, until a nervous man approaches the money cages of the casino just as Cris cashes in. Cris looks at him, and the man pulls a gun. He tries to rob the casino, and shoots two people in the process. The scene freezes — this is a vision of the future and now Cris knows what's going to happen. He tackles the robber and grabs the gun, but the casino security thinks he's the danger as they see him holding the gun as he stands up. Using his ability, Cris eludes security and steals a car. He escapes the police in a car chase, narrowly avoiding a train, and heads for home in the car.
Meanwhile, the FBI agents peruse the security video from the casino. One of them, Callie Ferris (Julianne Moore), is convinced Cris is the key to help the FBI stop terrorists from detonating a stolen Russian nuclear bomb. All the information she has obtained until this point proves Cris has some unexplainable ability to see into the future. She has her partner get the head of casino security, to ask some more questions before they go and pick up Cris.
Cris goes to see his friend Irv (Peter Falk), but realizes that the police and Callie are on his tail. Before Cris leaves Irv’s place, however, he decides to see what Callie wants. Cris views the future and realizes that Callie wants to use his powers and will not take no for an answer. He escapes from her, but he won’t leave town. He has been living every day in hopes of meeting the woman from his vision, and understanding why — where she is concerned — he can see farther ahead than he ever has before.
Meanwhile, two of the French terrorists kill the casino’s head of security, trying to find out more about Cris.
Cris goes to the diner. This time the woman from his vision shows up. Her name is Liz (Jessica Biel) and Cris "tries" a number of ways to meet her (i.e. he looks into the near future that would result from each). Her abusive ex-boyfriend shows up and gives him an opportunity to save her. Cris "tries" to avoid being hit, but finds out he gains more sympathy from Liz when he lets the ex-boyfriend hit him. He tells her his car was stolen, and before long she offers to drive him to his destination — Flagstaff — which is conveniently where Liz is headed.
Callie in the meantime is insistent on tracking Cris down. She finds the diner where he was, and learns in the process that the casino head of security was murdered — she doesn’t connect it yet to the terrorists. She learns that Cris is heading towards Flagstaff, and goes to see if she can track down a video of him.
Cris and Liz are driving through Nevada together. She has a stop to make at an Indian reservation where she teaches. One of her students has a birthday, and she has brought a present for him. While they descend to the reservation, Cris mentions he would like to meet their shaman. He asks Liz if she believes the stories they tell about shaman — their abilities to control water, to see the future. Liz says she believes anything is possible. At the reservation, Liz draws closer to Cris, particularly after her students point out how much he seems to like her and he performs a magic trick for the birthday boy.
Meanwhile, the French terrorists have their nuclear bomb delivered to the docks. The leader of the terrorists, who goes by the name of "Mr. Smith" (Thomas Kretschmann) wants Cris eliminated, and so the "henchmen" are off to track Cris down before the FBI can get their hands on him.
Cris is driving Liz’s car through the rain. She falls asleep on his shoulder, and then jerks herself awake. They come up to a roadblock, the road to Flagstaff is flooded, and are forced to turn back to a hotel called the Cliffhanger (quite literally perched atop a cliff).
Callie finds out who Liz is, but is still unable to locate where they have gone.
At the hotel, Cris leaves Liz in the room and sleeps in the car himself. Liz glances out the window at one point, and watches him, feeling guilty that he is sleeping in the cold. The next day, Cris "makes" a rose appear in place of a paper one for Liz and the two of them share a kiss.
Because of the police officer at the roadblock, Callie finds out where Liz and Cris are hiding. The government has detected nuclear radiation levels, and so Callie is able to mobilize a large group of FBI agents to go and capture Cris. The French terrorists have been watching the FBI building, in the apartment of a murdered girl, and they follow the FBI to Cris’s hideout.
Cris and Liz are curled up in bed together. Liz is asleep, but Cris’s eyes suddenly pop open and he stares at the ceiling. Liz leaves the Cliffhanger to go shopping, watched and then intercepted by Callie and the FBI. The French are also watching, and they mark Liz as being someone connected to Cris. In the car, Callie convinces Liz that Cris is a dangerous sociopath and that Liz must drug him so Callie and the FBI can arrest him. In shock, Liz agrees. The French watch the hotel, but cannot get a clear shot at Cris. So they wait, like the FBI, to see what happens next.
Liz does not follow through on drugging Cris, and instead warns him that Callie and the FBI are there. Cris tells her his secret, and insists if she believes everything is possible, she needs to believe in him. After Liz sees the proof she believes, but doesn’t understand why he won’t help the FBI. He explains that his gift is limited to his future alone for two minutes only and that this wouldn’t help the FBI. Only Liz gives him a glimpse of a more distant future. Cris wants to escape the FBI, and have Liz go into hiding. Liz promises to wait for him to find her. Neither is aware that the French know who Cris and Liz are. Liz smashes her car into a mill on the edge of the cliff, causing a giant chain reaction slide of wagons and falling logs. Cris almost succeeds in getting away, but at the last minute saves Callie from the falling logs. Callie arrests him, and hauls him off with the FBI. The French, unable to get their hands on Cris, kidnap Liz instead.
At FBI headquarters in Los Angeles, Callie hooks Cris up to a machine, in front of a television, and tells him to seek out the future for where the nuclear blast takes place. Instead, Cris gets a vision of Liz being killed by terrorist bombs strapped to her body. He escapes the FBI and runs to the parking garage where he saw it happen. When he gets there, there is no sign of Liz. Cris’s powers of the future, however, have expanded as far as Liz is concerned. Liz's death won’t occur for two more hours. Callie finds him there and warns him that the French probably have a sniper prepared to kill him. Callie promises to help Cris save Liz, if he'll help her.
Using Cris as bait, the FBI tries to catch the sniper but the sniper is killed in the attempt. Cris visualizes the future again, this time getting a picture of the license plate on the French terrorists' van. Callie uses this to track down the French near the port. The FBI swarms on the port, but Callie makes it clear to her team that Cris calls the shots in terms of when and where to shoot. They work together and chase the French, who use a bomb-strapped Liz as a shield, into a tanker. Cris helps them evade traps and a sniper, and get down to the last terrorist. Cris uses his ability to see in to the future to defuse a hostage situation by prejudging where the terrorist will shoot if he does a certain action, and by doing so, eliminates down to a certain path which is safe for him to walk. Callie shoots him and Cris frees Liz. Outside, however, the FBI has discovered that the nuclear bomb has been moved. Callie shows Cris where the range of LA where they think the bomb is hidden, but Cris becomes agitated and says he was wrong, he made a mistake. Then he shouts, "It's happening now," and grabs Liz to shield her with his body. In LA, the nuclear explosion goes off, obliterating the port and everyone on it.
Posted by
11:43 PM
Labels: Movies
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Excited this Summer
Posted by
10:34 PM
Labels: personal
Monday, February 4, 2008
Consumer Proven Products Online
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11:28 PM
Labels: Financial
The Chipmunks Made Me Laugh
Posted by
10:05 PM
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Playing Guitar Hero 3
Posted by
11:54 PM
Labels: games
Cash Advance Sites
There is a site that offers Payday loans and Cash Advance sites that are reviewed and ranked by those people who have used the sites where they were able to get cash fast. They can help you find the fastest way to apply for a payday loans and find a secure online cash advance. Another great thing is one you are approved on your payday loan the funds will be automatically deposited into your checking or savings account. It’s easy to apply for a payday loan and in many cases there’s no documents that you need to fax which makes it really easy for you. Imagine applying for a payday loan without the hassle of photocopying and faxing the documents that they were asking you to fax over for your application. It’s also great to know that the cash advance site listed that are listed offers flexible payment options that will help you with your needs. Another great advantage of an online cash advance payment loan is they offered their service to people with poor credit or people with no credit. This means they don’t require credit report from TRW, Experience, or Equifax. Instead, they use Tele-Track. Tele-Track does not check your credit report but instead they’ll check or verify your personal information, employment information, banking information, and lending information. It’s so easy and you’ll get a lot of benefits so check the payday loans and get the chance to take advantage of the benefits they offer.
Posted by
11:49 PM
Labels: Financial
Dragon Ball on the big screen this 2008
Posted by
10:50 PM